An Unexpected Essay About YOU, The AllOne Family!

Good to see you again!
Welcome to March! Since my last full post I have been in Indianapolis and met friends and arrived in Chicago and met more friends and performed, but first I have a few words to share.
We arrived in a snowy and freezing cold Indianapolis Wednesday afternoon! It was the first time we had seen snow since Washington D.C. and it was just enough to make our bus stop shelter seem like a cubic ("or as my absurdly and hilariously jesting siblings would say "squareular") snow globe! But first, a word on what I do and why, as well as what you do and how!

While on the bus I had finished writing a verse that is currently homeless but has a lot to do with the excitement and importance of travel as a person and a thank you to my supporters and an explanation of my mission statement as a person and how I desire to use my music and writing and performance to achieve our happy interconnected family and how each person contributes to me but also to contributing positivity to the people who I have met in the past and will meet in the future.

Anyone who is making an effort to spread my messages and music is just as important as I am in creating this movement, at risk of sounding like a cult leader. Even more important is that you spread you own ideals and achieve your own personal goals in life, and the expense of no person's discomfort except those who hope to see you fail, or make you anything other than what your heart honestly desires. A true measure of my success is entirely vicarious in nature, if I can incite some insight or prompt someone and play even the smallest role in someone feeling happy or achieve what they want in life, then I have done my job as a human being and an artist. Thus, when you do your "job" right, I am doing mine! It's selfish really, I just hope to help people along to see their "Personal Legend" through, and I can feel in some way responsible for them, then I am happy and fulfilled! It is an avaricious altruism perhaps, but I like to think its more of the Robin Hood variety... Remind you that you're rich, if your self esteem is poor. If anything, I hope to inspire open mindedness, self assuredness, stress the importance of personal fulfillment as well as our generous human responsibility to those around us!

My "music career", as it were, and my fan-base (whom I affectionately refer to as my family a feeling and belief that I genuinely have), is overall my endeavor to set an example and artful explorative exercise in expanding out compassion as human beings. The music I make is an attempt for me to remind myself and others of instances of our interwoven nature and of the pure moments of personal and universal struggle and hopes to perhaps proliferate any lessons my experiences or the experiences of the people I have learned from long the way.

You have; in all ways and will always affect everything in some way, and I hope you know the honest love and hope and friendship I feel for those of you who consider me your friend or an artist or musician or poet or whatever label, as someone worth encouraging and sharing the work and words and ideas and ideals of. This life and movement always about us, and as much as my name and my art is created "alone" again, it's always for and because of the fact that I am always reminded and humbled by the natural and cosmic sinew and beauty that we are all one. All of you are my muses. Thank you.

This trip is nearing its end and it has been a gorgeous and strange journey that I hope will snowball into happening in various permutations many times over. I come home feeling like I have many more homes and friends than I would ever imagine, and I hope I have paid back my debt to anyone who has lent a hand or a couch or some food or bought a cd or connected with me!

Each and every one of you are one unique and necessarily important person. The more you realize that and intend on taking full advantage of it with the help of those around you and while helping those around you, the better off you are for yourself and the better off we are because of you!

It important to remember that each of you is an incredible integral piece of a grander movement of everything, the chain reaction of your smile may end up changing someone's life! I hope you achieve exactly what you desire in life, because that is how we love you best and need you most!
Sometimes I need to clean my mouth out with a soapbox!
I love you all, thank you more than I can say, in more words that I can ever write or rhyme or record! You help make my life as contented, motivated and optimistic as it is!
Go do good things!
The photo provided here has regrettably had its quality diluted and compromised by being passed through various devices to arrive here! It is, however a photo taken of me by Kent in Austin at my performance in Wardenclyffe Gallery! Thank you to him! One of many beautiful friends and family I met on this trip, along with his lovely wife Paula!


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