2018 Book List and Recommendations
Happy New Year,
Welcome to 2019 as well
as a humble welcoming back to the annual retrospective of reading
material I've enjoyed this year! As you'll come to see, 2018 was
certainly the most comic book and graphic novel dominated year yet.
I think this is also because I (to my shame) fell into the trap of
watching a lot of Netflix. My housemate got a big television last
fall in my house and it becomes this media centerpiece with such
distracting gravity. Admittedly I don't have the willpower to resist
this electronic tide-pool always, I still read a little every day and still stubbornly prefer to read physical books. It just feels better to me.
Regardless, there was almost
nothing that I read this year that I didn't love or wouldn't
recommend (unless you were adverse to certain gore-laden horror
titles like the brutal “Crossed” series, which is not for the
faint of heart, to put it lightly.) I ended up returning one book
that was gifted to me last Christmas, which was frankly an unreadable
block of technical surveillance history called “We Know All About
You”. After a few attempts I had to put it down, which I've only done with maybe 2 books in my whole life. Anyway, it was a quality over quantity year for me when it came to putting my nose between pages. Let's get into it.
Do you like reading physical copies of books, audiobooks or e-books best? Why?
Do you like reading physical copies of books, audiobooks or e-books best? Why?
Reading more Non-fiction:
Aside from the aforementioned “We
Know All About You”, I've enjoyed a lot more Non-fiction reading
than I normally do. I got such wide-eyed enjoyment and inspiration
from real-life characters in expansive biographies about Cornelius
Vanderbilt like The First Tycoon and micro-career summaries
like The Great Reporters. I learned an excessive amount of
helpful information and brilliant concepts in the fields of
meditation and philosophy by diving into Sam Harris' Waking Up and Free Will. Reading up on the intrepid and baffling
historical significance and usage behind the technology of hot air
balloons in Falling Upwards was both a heartwarming and jaw
dropping thrill that inspired some of an album I'd been working on.
I rarely read non-fiction and know many more pragmatic friends who
appreciate non-fiction exclusively, but this year was a good year for
it (and juxtaposed nicely from all of the comics I was reading, in
Who are some of your favorite
non-fiction writers? What are your favorite non-fiction books? Do
you prefer one over the other?
Reading new writers:
I also read a lot of books by first
time prose/writers for me (Alan Moore's second prose novel, Jerusalem
took me the first 6 months of the year to get through but was easily
the book of the year for me. I can't shake it! Every sentence and
idea is an astounding feat of linguistic mastery and experimental
imaginative expression that has real heart behind its immense brains.
Sam Harris is a new Non-fiction
favorite, I've greedily gobbled up every episode of his podcast and
Waking Up and Free Will were phenomenal influential experiences of
books, both hugely readable and eye-opening as well. Shannon Wheeler
was a first time comic writer for me with his “Too Much Coffee Man”
series that I found very funny and familiar as a sleepless and
struggling creative type who tends toward the neurotic and
occasionally bleak. Reading John Darnielle's debut novel Wolf In
White Van was a surprise and a treat (I recommend listening to his
band “The Mountain Goats” if you like hyper-literate modern indie
music or narrative-style folk tales). The biographers of The First
Tycoon and Falling Upwards (T.J. Stiles and Richard Holmes,
respectively) found gorgeous ways of turning a whole lot of
historical and technical information about bygone lives and times
into engaging, beautiful stories about the human will and spirit and
what ambition and hard work gets us, I have much respect for both of
them and may turn to more historical works in the future. Erin
Morgenstern is a new author to me whose novel, The Night Circus dazzled me with her Bradbury-meets-Rowling style fantastical tales of
a magical circus with steampunk aesthetics ticking behind an
imaginative P.T. Barnum nostalgia littering her wonderful scenes and
characters. Her book was an impulse buy for me, in a vignette that
showed advertising working at it's finest at a book store .
Please comment with writers I may not
have read and let me know your favorites of theirs!
New Comic Series:
I started both Fables and Sandman this
year and have to say they both live up to the hype. Bill
Willingham's cast of characters in "Fables" and dazzlingly intricate
plots are really appealing and dole out a wonderful blend of humor
and serious concepts/concerns among the complex character's issues
and entanglements. I'm only three volumes into Neil Gaiman's
celebrated “Sandman” series but the genius of it and style of it
is obviously up my alley, both high-concept but accessible stories
that I look forward to finishing in the coming year. The art style
of both of these is also right up my proverbial alley as well, being
older series there isn't as much digital art and I really enjoy their
experimental styles and bracketing of the stories and artwork.
Happy New year and Happy reading and exploring! I intend on having a book or two of my own out by the end of the year...I hope you get to see it! Enjoy the full list below, I've emboldened some of my favorites reads for you.
Much love as always, I wish you a bountiful 2019!
-Bruce "AllOne" Pandolfo
Much love as always, I wish you a bountiful 2019!
-Bruce "AllOne" Pandolfo
Full reading list 2018:
by Garth Ennis
Crossed: Family Values
by David Lapham
Crossed: Psychopath
by David Lapham
The Big Guy and Rusty The Boy Robot
Frank Miller
Fables 1-14
by Bill Willingham
The First Tycoon (The Epic Life Story
of Cornelius Vanderbilt)
by T.J. Stiles
by Alan Moore
Dept.H vol. 3 and 4
by Matt Kindt
Too Much Coffee Man: Omnibus
Shannon Wheeler
“Heretics! The Wondrous and Dangerous
Beginnings Of Modern Philosophy”
by Steven & Ben Nadler
Paper Girls Volumes 4 & 5
by Brian
K Vaughn
Graphic Storytelling and Visual
by Will Eisner
Sandman vol. 1-3
by Neil Gaiman
The Great Reporters
by David Randall
Cinema Purgatorio vol. 14 & 15
Alan Moore & co.
by Kurt Vonnegut
League Of Extraordinary Gentleman 4:
Tempest vols. 1-3
by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill
The Bojefferies Saga
by Alan Moore
A Time To Kill
by John Grisham
Glacier City
by Jay Faerber
Waking Up
by Sam Harris
Wolf In White Van
by John Darnielle
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff (and It's
All Small Stuff)
by Richard Carlson
A Small Killing
by Alan Moore
Falling Upwards
by Richard Holmes
The Courtyard Annotated
by Alan Moore
A Portrait Of The Artist As a Young Man
by James Joyce
Gwendy's Button Box
by Stephen King
by Stephen King
The Night Circus
by Erin Morgenstern
American Gods
by Neil Gaiman
Sirens Of Titan
by Kurt Vonnegut
Free Will
by Sam Harris
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