Throughout June begins an interactive experiment... "CHALLENGING DAYS"!

Today (June 1st) kicks off a new journalistic experimental series called "Challenging Days"

My friend and creative brother-in-arts Phil Corso (Drummer of The Vigilance Committee and More Than Skies) and I conceived this fun interactive month-long experiment  called "Challenging Days".
 Each day throughout June, we will roll the bones to randomly choose a prompt, task or challenge from a predetermined list meant to shake our routines and perspectives and then reflectively report on the site how it went and what we experienced each day, hopefully feeling a little more informed or enlightened by the events or interactions we may not have otherwise engaged in!

My favorite part? We set it up on our website so that you all can be privy to the prompts of each day, participate and then submit your thoughts on the page in real time! 

 Visit   see when each of the 30 challenges below will dictate our days and to keep up with our stories and muses as well as contribute your own stories as you do the challenges with us!!


  1. Text someone you haven’t interacted with in years
  2. Buy a song from your childhood that’s no longer in your music library and listen today
  3. Go to some sort of museum
  4. Eat something you’ve never tried before
  5. Read/reflect on the lyrics to a song chosen by the other person
  6. Post a picture of yourself online
  7. Replace your coffee with tea, or your tea with coffee
  8. Give someone $5
  9. Go a day with your phone on airplane mode
  10. Wake up an hour earlier than you normally would
  11. Go to bed an hour later than you normally would
  12. Learn a new word and use it in a conversation or social media post
  13. Make a small donation to a charity of your choosing
  14. Save as much money in one day as possible
  15. Splurge and buy yourself something you’ve put off for a long time
  16. Have at least 3 actual phone conversations (**use your phone as a phone only?)
  17. Do not complain at all.
  18. Be more tacit, or talk succinctly.
  19. Take a walk for at least a half hour without headphones.
  20. Drink a gallon of water.
  21. Read a short story from an author whose work you've never read before.
  22. Meditate 10 minutes or more.
  23. Endeavor not to curse.
  24. See live music performed.
  25. Invite a friend to eat or hang with you that day. (Make and participate in plans)
  26. Prepare and eat a meal for yourself or others.
  27. Spend time Creating something (anything).
  28. Say yes to every offered opportunity or idea or suggestion . YES MAN DAY!
  29. Say “no” more often. (But not to this challenge.) Refuse things. Decline offers and requests.
  30. LIAR LIAR day! Tell no lies, be 100% direct and honest. “Sugar coat” nothing. Be unabashedly sincere.


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