"Dropping Like Flies" (National Poetry Month Poem-a-Day) Day 16

Written by Bruce A. Pandolfo
Hey man,
I got a job I could use you for,
lil breakin' 'n' ennering,
a “heist” if yer feelin' romantic,
think yer might want to consider it...
like a real big opportunity.
Definitely illegal,
but we stand to make at least a couple grand.
Yeah, thousands!
Bring some bags, wear a mask.
It's kinder shady,
people will likely come after us.
I don't see why...
They makin' medicine out it now.
Yeah plants.
They say it cures cancer,
have you heard that too?
Mhmm. Controversial stuff.
What? Weed?

No you idiot, Venus Fly Traps!


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