"Tiger" (National Poetry Month poem-a-day) Day 26

Written by Bruce A. Pandolfo

Come see Tony the Tiger!
Yes, son just like the one on the cereal box...
Now imagine that 550 pounds!
Incredible isn't he?
Tigers are fierce predators,
Don't get too close ma'am,
he may spray you!
How old is he?
Yes pretty Miss,
16 Years he's lived in this here
Louisiana gas station.
Putting the ”pet” in “petrol”.
Go and get your
animal rights activists
taste like chicken”
T-shirts when you're through pumping your gas.
Oh don't cry lil lady!
Oh he's happy as can be.
He gets the best food money can buy
and doe'n't even work for it
like he was built to.
Oh no son,
he's happy here with his poppa Mike.
Ignorance is bliss.

Wild ain't he?


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