"Pappy" (National Poetry Month poem-a-day) Day 27

Written by Bruce A. Pandolfo

You want to get yer hands on a bottle o' Pappy huh?
More of a statement really i'n't it?
You WANT to get yer hands on a bottle o' Pappy.
Your lips mor'n likely too.
Ouch'er mind if ya don't!
Pappy the best bourbon money can buy.
And hell, money can't even buy it most times.
Like a myth or a legend, that stuff.
Comes around only e'ry so offen
like a comet or surprise sex in your married life
pardon me for sayin' so...
More than common firewater..
Put hair on your chest
and a fire in it.
Ain't no question.
Cure yer ailments,
keep ya warm,
put ya to sleep,
douse your problems...
'tho' shit, these days,
Bottle o' Pappy?
Clean out your bank
just as much as your woes
(if you got em.)
And if you're on a huntin' f'Pappy,
lemme tell you...you're in for some heartache pal.
I tell ya..
Hard like a porch chair
with just as much heart 'n' legacy
as that ol' wood and labor
YOUR Pappy made that chair with!
Pairs real good with a cigar,
I know, I know,
You'd think it's a holy grail
I'd drink out the holy grail,
m'wife always yammerin'
its just some glorified gut-rot”
ain't much for poetry m'self
but somethin' I don't know...
magic about it guess you c'd say
cuts the chill uva cool night breeze
teasing goose-pimples ouch yer skin.
That smell tingles in your nose like
while your pipe blowin' clouds
like my Pappy used to
sit me on his knee
with crickets chirping choruses
and I traced the stains on his patchy dungarees.
Seems to me there's snapshots
in them shots.
So yeah...
go'wan find yerself a shot at least.
Heard some nut downtown
is sellin' em real cheap
there's a line out the door.
Better go take advantage of the ol' fool
before he wise up about his rebellious streak.
Have one on me hm?

Savor it.  


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