New book, song, video, and friends! Value Time!

A en route "Hello" on way to Nashville!
After Heather and Alyssa left, there was a smile still lingering on my face and skin still tingling fresh with kisses, I had a few hours to wait outside Adam's house before he returned from work. Elated and inspired by my lovely day with the girls, I'm proud to say I used it productively! I called and caught up with family, read several of Hemingway's Nick Adam's stories, and proudly finished writing a tragic story-song titled "An Unlikely Run-In With Fate" based on a true story for a project I've begun writing called "Water Coolers and Camp Fires", a collection of non fiction tales!
Around 6:30 Adam came home, a well dressed and vivacious young man who shares a nice home with a fluffy black cat Lulu. He took us to Gus' World Famous Fried Chicken, which was delicious! It filled us with pleasant warmth to fight the cold. Next we found an abandoned machine shop where these artists Chad and Kyle were working on a commissioned mural for the next 72 hours. They were grand company and we git along famously! We helped them cut material for the mural they were working on and on their request we performed some songs that they filmed videos of ( expect a video of "Pennsylvanian Patriarch" soon). Eventually we departed, tired and despite their invites to stay and play friday night, we had no choice but to stick to our Megabus schedule! As with Gabriel the night before and Heather and Alyssa that day and so many new friends we had met, we lamented needing to leave Memphis so soon.
Brevity jostles our value of time and how we spend it and with whom,


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