
Showing posts from February, 2017

"Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" 2/7/17 A Return to NYC and The Inspired Word

"Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" 2/7 A Return to NYC and The Inspired Word Greetings wonderful wondering wanderers! So continues my journeys after exploring and performing in New England and leaving  Rhode Island with a full stomach courtesy of Geoff's Superlative Sandwiches and Drent's generosity and heading south to return to New York City to perform as feature at Michael Geffner's Inspired Word series at Parkside Lounge .  On the last tour I did, the "NovEmbark Tour", I made my debut here at the onset of Thanksgiving week, and Mike was kind enough shortly after to invite me back for a second feature opportunity! On my way down to NYC I listened to the following podcasts (a pretty "heavy" list of topics.  Note that "Cortex" is one that was on the list that Vaughn suggested to me in New Haven, CT!): Slate's Political Gabfest "Give Me Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses...Ah Screw It" episode Dropped an...

"Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" 2/3/17 - 2/7/17: Gamboling and Gallivanting in Providence

"Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" 2/3/17 - 2/7/17: Gamboling and Gallivanting in Providence Hello Hello fellow wanderers! Where were we when we last spoke a little over a week ago?  Ah, I was curled up in a ball in the backseat of my car in Connecticut off of  I-95 after nearly running myself off the road headed north post-show in my soporific keychain of a car!  That Friday morning, I woke up cold and cramped with the only thing warm about me was a red hot knife in my side.  I thrashed about and coughed stifled screams.  The culprit was the cup-holder in the center of my back seat that had gradually burrowed with unforgiving persistence into my muscles.  I got out of my car and stretched in the cold while exhaling visibility and limped circling my car like a geriatric shark.  I hobbled into my  driver's seat with a cry and sped towards the the hobbit house location that is Owen "Drent"s esteemed residence that was bordered by a stretch of wo...

"Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" 2/2/17 Day 1: Hanging with Heroes and Friends in New Haven, CT

"Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" Day One Hanging with Heroes in New Haven: Greetings AllOne Family! I've embarked on my first tour of the year! The "Emotional Baggage Bard Tour" (in reference to my song  "Travel Baggage (Carry On)"  This is yet another independently arranged venture with the help of some friends. I'm back to reporting my thoughts and adventures and fun encounters hopefully for your amusement and some form of a travelogue brochure for when you find yourself in these areas as well as an opportunity for me to share some of the things I've been excitedly consuming, be it art or information or even food!  There were a lot of difficulties in devising this tour, a few people dropped out and some promoters and venues never got back to me, but there were enough events to seek out to keep me busy and traveling, although 50% of the events ended up being open mic performances, I've often found these to be equally or more productive s...