
Showing posts from December, 2017

Bookworm recap 2017 booklist (with links and recommendations)

Hello Bookworms!     As we approach a new year, which comes with a cliche degree of incredulity, I figured I'd share the  list up of books I read in the past year (with as many links as I could muster to relevant things either purchase-links or information/website links.)   I don't think it affects you remotely, except perhaps to see where my head may have gone as far as motivation to read one title to another if there were any discernible through-lines, but this list is also in chronological order of reading them (save for random comic volumes) This year I actually obtained three new bookshelves, one of which I made from two old dresser drawers, so my crazy personal library is a little more tidy!   To my retrospective surprise, A great majority of these are both graphic novels AND specifically ones by Alan Moore .  I've really fallen in love with the graphic novel form. Also, in any endeavor he is tackling, he seems to be the greatest creator i...