Sorry, I'm Working! (Prioritizing art and combating distractions)
Happy New Year and welcome to 2018 my fellow AllOnederers. As the symbolic significance of year's transitions entice us into hopeful changes of habit and pursuits of our ideals, this post I've been thinking about seems prime time to share. One of the things I value more than anything is my writing and musical creation craft. However, our priorities are really expressed through how we spend our time. As Kristoff Krane expresses with beautiful brevity on his new 2017 release, "Kairos part 1 ": "There's nothing more true than "You Are What You Do" " I often find myself having a difficulty carving out time to simply sit down and work on a recording project or a writing endeavor. A mix of my own ADHD and codependency (Note: Self-observed and described) implores me to say "YES" to every plan and event offer or request that a friend or family member asks of me. The trouble is, often I'm thinking in the back of my head ...