"I'm About To Save Your Life" (National Poetry Month poem-a-day) day 5
Written by Bruce A.
Call him "Rob”, what he was not who he is, for his honor.
Engineer, in his
mid-fourties in the late seventies.
Mild mannered, short,
he looked maybe seventeen.
Tried avoiding traffic
detouring through several streets.
There are no short
cuts, Robert.
The roads wound
labyrinthine through Compton,
He knew the reputation
that the area had in fact,
The lost drive almost
drove him to a panic attack
Upset and distracted,
he accidentally scratched a Cadillac
There is no free lunch.
Someone conned him.
Boys ran towards him,
one yanked open his door
grabbed the wheel,
pushed Rob's weight aside
looked him in his eyes
“ I'm about to save your life”
What he didn't mention
is “you're gonna pay the price”
It should have been a
hint that Leone's name was Moore
Leone parked and said
the scraped 'lac was his families',
info was exchanged so
Rob could fix the mess,
grateful to his savior,
though now he was enmeshed,
short-changed 100K by a long-con 25 years' duress,
He paid off caused
damages, but his paid cost more damaging
Beware of those who
help , best to walk on your own two,
Some secrets are
deadly, this was one Rob kept,
Told no soul of his
blackmail debt until there was a threat,
In the 90s, decidedly
took it to court but it courted his death.
Keep those whom you owe few, those you owe will
own you.
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