"Open Case" (National Poetry Month poem-a-day) Day 10
Written by Bruce A.
Fred and Edwina hated one
another with a passion,
so much so that they had
separate fridges for their rations
howlin' as if walls were padded
Their son Charles, would
have wished for that insulating facet
(to dull the decibels for
the decades' abrasive insulting language)
Hermit permitted mail
through the door, used a broom for tapping,
At 43, the geophysicist
avoided interaction,
But finally Charles was
through with the abusive brutal madness,
Not to mention finding
out, mom had her hand in his cash,
He plotted and prepared
and he meticulously planned
On fathers day in '65,
after 5 years tacit absence,
He called mother to his
room and shot her then he grabbed this
handyman's hammer, to
celebrate with Dad he dragged him
scrambling out his bed,
smashed him and he smashed them
dropped the claw hammer
then he slashed and he hacked,
didn't leave for 3 days,
drained the blood as in Bram's scripts,
He turned their
refrigerators into freezing caskets
By the time police found
Edwina's head Charles had vanished
Hugh and Martha don't just
crunch numbers and file taxes
they're sleuths that snoop
through dossiers, gobble info like they're famished
Found open hearts in an
open case, this Charles Rogers classic
first dates were for data
and murder mystery tasking
As they uncovered the
mystery of the grisly elusive phantom
they found they uncovered
one another and the uncanny happened
logging 5,000 hours in
this investigative hole for rabbits
chasing a man worthy of
institution, they instituted marriage.
They followed their hearts
just as they followed paper
solved the case, finding
that Charles got his plane
fled our largest state in
a marvelous escape,
became a valuable asset to
those who “forgot his name”
He was their golden goose,
his knowledge brought in big stacks
Thought that he could kick
back, and there'd be no kickback,
but karma carved a victim
when he got into some riff raff
raging workers nixed mad
Charles with a pick ax.
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